501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization in Georgia 

Every day in Georgia, adults and children fail to receive needed medical or dental care due to economic hardship, lack of insurance coverage, or not having the means to get to a local clinic or hospital. Sometimes all three. 

The Baptist Mobile Health Ministry Foundation, Inc. (BMHMF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit providing financial and in-kind support for faith-based medical and dental care for low-income Georgia residents.

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  • a doctor checking a patients blood pressure

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For many years, the Baptist Mobile Health Ministry, Inc. (BMHM), operating under the umbrella of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, has brought quality medical and dental care and spiritual guidance where it is needed, at no cost to the recipient. The Baptist Mobile Health Ministry Foundation Inc helps to obtain the necessary financing, supplies, and other in-kind support for the Ministry to keep doing God’s work. Contact us today to learn how you can help fellow Georgians get the care they deserve, to heal both body and soul. 

What we do 

The Baptist Mobile Health Ministry, Inc has two (2) mobile dental units, each equipped with three (3) operatories, dental equipment, and supplies. We also screen the clients for problems with blood pressure. Together with dental and medical professionals and local lay volunteers, Georgia Baptist Mission Board churches and organizations are able to reach out and offer free health care to underserved people in their respective communities. 

Why choose us? 

Many charities and service organizations can offer you a tax deduction for a donation. How do you know that your contribution is actually doing some good? Contributing to the BMHMF offers you the assurance of working with: 

A registered, legitimate 501(c)(3) non-profit organization 

The financial arm of faith-based mobile medical and dental clinics serving the entire state of Georgia

People involved in the communities they 

A Christian ministry spreading the Gospel of Jesus, and His plan for our happiness and salvation 

  • a delivery person dropping off a package to an elderly customer

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We need you, now more than ever

Jesus Himself said, „the poor you always have with you, and whenever you wish, you can do them good (Matthew 26:11).“ While state, local, and Federal assistance programs may fill some of the gaps, medical and dental care often gets pushed to the side because getting your teeth cleaned may mean your family doesn’t eat tonight. No one should have to make choices like that. Baptist Mobile Health Ministry Foundation Inc’s mission is making sure they don’t. You can make that happen through:

  • A tax-deductible monetary donation
  • Volunteering your time or skills
  • Donating medical supplies, masks, gloves, or other needed supplies

Your contribution to Baptist Mobile Health Ministry Foundation Inc. allows us to continue providing our health care services free of charge and spreading God’s message of hope and redemption to those who need it most. Contact our office in Canton, GA, to discuss how you can help.

Let your money do the most good – donate to the BMHMF

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